Christmas Love Gift Program
Each year, since 1998, we have gathered small, inexpensive gifts from all over the country to share with the children and elderly of our community. Folks from California to New York have joined us to express the Love of Jesus by collecting gifts and sending them to us to distribute to various locations on the Navajo Reservation.
This brings great joy to many and gives us the opportunity to share God's greatest Gift, Jesus Christ!
Would you join us in bringing the true Spirit of Christmas to young and old alike by sending a few small gifts to Navajo BIC Mission? You can find information by clicking here.
We receive gifts year round but need the gifts in our office by November so that we can sort and bag for distribution in December.
Put a smile on someone's face!
Share the True Spirit of Christmas With Young and Old Alike!
For some, it will be the only gift they receive this year.